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Perception Matters

Depression is a medical condition that changes mood, perception, attention, thinking, feelings, physiology and behavior. The impacts of the symptoms over time can lead you away from helpful long-term strategies that support recovery for more short-term strategies that can make your depression worse. The antidote to depression is purpose, meaning, connection and values-based living.  Much of the suffering of depression is internally generated rather than an external reality. Meaning your life is likely far less problematic and solutions are nearer to you than you currently think. We are often our harshest and most relentless critics. A compassionate, patient approach to yourself and gradual movement to those things that matter most to you is a strong foundation for the road to recovery. We encourage you to try out some of these tips for yourself and reach out to us if you would like help along the way.


Face your Fears

Anxiety is a complicated experience because it is essential to our survival and ability to maintain motivation and complete tasks when the system that produces it is operating well. However, when it starts to become overactive and produces frequent “false alarms” it can cause incredible pain and suffering. Overactive anxiety can lead you to being incredibly risk averse (avoidance of important relationships and activities in life) and produce chronic worry, catastrophic thinking (always thinking of bad or worst possible outcomes), fatigue, tension, irritability, agitation, and a critical unforgiving attitude toward yourself or others. Worst of all it can interrupt feelings of peace, joy and contentment in life and keep us from pursuing our most important goals and values. The path to recovery includes understanding anxiety and the responses it pushes you towards (fight or flight) and that this system can misfire, be triggered by real and imagined situations, and can be influenced for better or worse by your responses to it. There are many tools and strategies available to you to help you manage worry, negative/perfectionistic thinking, bodily arousal and other impacts of anxiety. Know that it may not be easy at first and an attitude of compassion towards yourself will set up an internal environment that supports growth and improvement overtime. You can try some of these things out on your own and reach out to us if you are feeling like you need more assistance.

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